Wunsche FFA
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Organization and Association

FFA is structured on three levels: local, state, and national. 

National FFA Organization

- At the national level, FFA is led by a board of directors and six student national officers.

- Together they act on recommendations from the national convention delegates and agricultural education's stakeholders to set the vision and policy for FFA.

State FFA Associations

State FFA Associations function within the constitution of the National FFA Organization but may also create individual leadership structures, awards, programs and competitions.

- State FFA officers lead the membership of the state associations and are elected by state FFA convention delegates.

- Local FFA Chapters are chartered through the state associations.

Local FFA Chapters

- The heart of the National FFA Organization is at the local chapter level. FFA chapter may be chartered in any public school with an agricultural education program.

- Leadership is provided by student officers who are elected each year by the chapter’s members, and by the agriculture teacher who serves as the advisor for the chapter.


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