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Supervised Agriculture Experiences

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The Supervised Agricultural Experience Program is education. It is hands-on, real-life agricultural career preparation experiences tied to agricultural science curriculum, student aptitudes, interests and career and educational goals and to the agricultural industry. It ties together the entire agricultural education experience. Each agricultural education should have an SAE that is documented in an approved recordbook.

Types of SAE Projects       
Own and operate an agricultural business 
(e.g. a lawn care service, a pay-to-fish operation, holiday poinsettia production and sales.) 

Get a job or internship on a farm or ranch, at an agriculture-based business, or in a school or factory laboratory. 

Research and Experimentation
Plan and conduct a scientific experiment. 
(e.g. Determine whether the phases of the moon affect plant growth, or test and determine the efficacy of different welding methods.)

This type of SAE is appropriate for all agriculture students. This SAE activity is designed primarily to help students become literate in agriculture and/or become aware of possible careers in the AFNR career cluster and results in the development of a plan to begin an SAE.  *Beginning Fall of 2017, only 45 hours of exploratory hours during the Greenhand year will be counted toward any degree above the chapter level.  

Year-end SAE Report
A writing exercise to be completed when closing a record book at the end of the reporting period.  When completed in detail at the end of each year and filed in the record book, this document should provide ample information for the completion of proficiency applications and star batteries (See Document section below).

SAE Documentation Procedures
Texas Education Agency minimum standards for documenting Supervised Experience Program hours for class credit. 

Record Book Programs
The Agricultural Experience Tracker (AET)


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